FSC (Ferran Servicios Corporativos) is a business unit of the real estate consultancy FERRAN, who has been providing services and solutions for real estate investors and individuals for nearly 40 years, in the markets of retail, offices, industrial, logistics, land, hotel, equipment and residential www.ferran.es
FSC is the business unit specialized in providing real estate services to companies and corporate groups. It identifies and carries out the most ideal real estate actions, according to the client’s business activity or strategy.
FSC has a long track record working with large productive and/or service companies. It gives comprehensive solutions to all of their real estate consulting and management needs by coordinating the most relevant interdisciplinary teams, both internal and external, to attend any project’s needs and objectives.
FSC works on a project basis, defining the team to implement each solution. The Project Manager is ultimately responsible for the project and coordinates all actions. Thus, the client company has just one key contact person who coordinates the whole interdisciplinary team in their best interests.
The dynamic management of financial resources advises companies to consider real estate assets as one of the main strategic resources for optimizing their economic and financial profile. . In other words, real estate assets must be subject to proactive attention and management, in order to constantly adapt the business model to the needs of the company and in order to improve financial and productive performance.
FSC’s experience in the field of real estate consulting for business is reflected in our clients’ portfolio and in the projects we have carried out with them.
Our added value:
We represent end users (support from outside to the client’s real estate department)
Independence – no conflicts of interests
Integral real estate solutions
Standardized processes for complex project management
Strategic global vision
National and international reach