15 March, 2016
HOMEBOX Consultancy in the lease of 10.000 m2 in the Prat de LLobregat
HOMEBOX is one of the companies of the GROUPE G7, it is a French flagship in the service industry. There are 10 trades, structured into three divisions: mobility (radio taxi hub, taxi services and vehicle rental), storage (self-storage, logistics and archiving) and support services (software development, client relation services and real estate).
HOMEBOX is the first self-storage company in France with more the 70 premises and with an important expansion project in Spain.
HOMEBOX wants to expand in Spain with its Self-Storage project and has the objective to acquire and rent premises throughout the territory of Spain.
FSC advices HOMEBOX with its “One Stop Shop” service model, concerning the property search in Madrid and Barcelona with surfaces from 2.000 m2 to 6.000 m2, as well as the handing over of the conditioned premise for its activity of Self-Storage (Project Management – PM).
Within PM, previous studies were carried out consisting in an analysis of technical feasibility according to the urban regulations, building requirements and optimization, as well as the drafting of projects such as construction works, facility project and project activity for the activity of Self-Storage lease. Moreover, licenses were successfully managed with the City Council, Fire Department and Environmental Control Entity. Furthermore, construction works were managed from the moment of the budget request, adjudication management, drafting of contracts, planning and final cost control and the management of supply companies.
FSC gave business advice for the lease of an industrial premise of 10.000 m2 at El Prat de LLobregat (Barcelona), in order to install the first headquarter of HOMEBOX in Spain.
Concerning the Project Management, the interdisciplinary team of real estate experts fulfilled the project in the expected time indicated in the initial license agreements, therefore the commencement of the construction was carried out as planned. It has been accomplished to complete the works in the indicated time and the results of the work meet the requirements and image of HOMEBOX.